Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Places we have trained

I just wanted to make a list of the different locations in which we've trained. I was told that if your dog can do a behavior in 50 (approx. i'm sure) different locations, then they really know the behavior.

1) Oen's studion
2)M apt.
3)Current apt.
4)Mom's house
6)Rest Stop in Montreal
7)Rest Stop in VT
8)W Tennis Courts
9)H Tennis Courts
10) Back Yard
11)Current Neighborhood
14)Shirley's House
15)Sandy's House


At 6:11 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, you have a smart dog to train you in so many locations. I've only trained my human in about 5 places. But he picked everything up ok. He has a problem talking to long to other humans when we're in the middle of a walk. But, other than that, he's coming along . . .



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